Looking for a job as MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAM ANALYSIS in Tulsa? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAM ANALYSIS actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Management and program analysis in the year 2024 earns per year from 72 553 USD to 128 043 USD
A person working as Management and program analysis typically earns around 113 047 USD in Tulsa in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 108% higher than the average salary in the United States
This position is part of the Southwestern Power Administration. As a Program Analyst, you will be involved in a variety of complex technical, fiscal and administrative analysis functions supporting So...
This position is the Clinic Profiler for the medical facility and satellite clinics/healthcare system. This position provides a high level of complex and highly skilled support related to provider pro...
This is a full performance level, non-supervisory position that is located in the Veterans Health Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs. The primary purpose of the position is to improv...
About the Position: This is a Supervisory Program Analyst position with the US Army Corps of Engineer, Tulsa Operations Division, Management Support Unit with a duty location of Tulsa, OK....