Fresh vacancies in HONOLULU in public sphere. Where can health system specialist get a job with decent pay in 2023?
Please, look at more than 11 job openings and health system specialist: salary statistics in HONOLULU?
HEALTH SYSTEM SPECIALIST, according to statistics, earns in Honolulu, from $59407 to $107809
The position is located at a Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) medical facility. The purpose of the position is to assess the productivity, effectiveness and efficiency of the medical facility health...
This position is supervised by the Health Professions Education (HPE) Manager with oversight provided by the Associate Chief of Staff/Education, Designated Education Officer, who reports to the Chief ...
This position is supervised by the Health Professions Education (HPE) Manager with oversight provided by the Associate Chief of Staff/Education, Designated Education Officer, who reports to the Chief ...
This position is located at the Department of Veterans affairs Pacific islands Healthcare System. It supports a full service research and development program with current research areas including post...
This position has the primary goal of supporting the Director, with any and all tasks assigned and requested pertaining to any and every element of operations in every one of the ten submarkets, with ...
This position has the primary goal of supporting the Director, with any and all tasks assigned and requested pertaining to any and every element of operations in every one of the ten submarkets, with ...
This position serves as the Supervisory Health System Specialist or Group Practice Manager within a Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Medical Center (VAMC) at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Th...
This position provides support to the Associate Director of Operations in a variety of areas related to office management, business process coordination, data collection, analysis, and reporting. Prov...
The work of the Health Systems Specialist requires a high order of analytical ability and technical writing skills along with a comprehensive knowledge of (a) the functions, processes, and principles ...
The Veterans Affairs Pacific Island Health Care System (VAPIHCS) is a Level 2 facility and ranks among a complex system in the VA serving the VA Sierra Pacific Network (VISN 21). The VAPIHCS offers a ...
The Veterans Affairs Pacific Island Health Care System (VAPIHCS) is a Level 2 facility and ranks among a complex system in the VA serving the VA Sierra Pacific Network (VISN 21). The VAPIHCS offers a ...