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What is the salary for HEALTH AID AND TECHNICIAN in Portland?

Looking for a job as HEALTH AID AND TECHNICIAN in Portland? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much HEALTH AID AND TECHNICIAN actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Health aid and technician in the year 2024 earns per year from 40 440 USD to 86 060 USD

A person working as Health aid and technician typically earns around 86 060 USD in Portland in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 59% higher than the average salary in the United States

Health Technician Dec 07 2023
$40 440 - 52 577 per year

The incumbent serves as a Health Technician at the VA Portland Healthcare System. ...

Health Technician (Ophthalmology) Nov 22 2024
$69 314 per year

Ophthalmology Technicians in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) support Ophthalmologists in diagnosis, treatment, prevention, follow-up care and patient counseling. At the Advanced Level, Health...

Health Technician (Ophthalmology) Advanced Level Oct 05 2023
$66 203 - 86 060 per year

Ophthalmology Technicians in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), Eye Service, Operative Care Division, support Ophthalmologists in diagnosis, treatment, prevention, follow-up care and patient co...

Health Technician (Ophthalmology), GS-9 (Advanced Level) Nov 27 2023
$66 203 - 86 060 per year

Ophthalmology Technicians in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) support Ophthalmologists in diagnosis, treatment, prevention, follow-up care and patient counseling....

Intermediate Care Technician Jul 12 2023
$50 094 - 65 122 per year

This position is within the Employee Occupational Health (EOH) Department, VA Portland Healthcare System. The primary intent of the Employee Occupational Health (EOH) Service is to provide work relate...

Intermediate Care Technician (Medical Assistant) Aug 24 2023
$50 094 - 65 122 per year

This position is within the Employee Occupational Health (EOH) Department, VA Portland Healthcare System. The primary intent of the Employee Occupational Health (EOH) Service is to provide work relate...

Intermediate Care Technician (Medical Assistant) Sep 05 2023
$50 094 - 65 122 per year

The Intermediate Care Technician (ICT) serves as an advance technician in specialty clinics. ...

Lead Health Technician (Ophthalmology) Sep 22 2023
$66 203 - 86 060 per year

Ophthalmology Technicians in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) support Ophthalmologists in diagnosis, treatment, prevention, follow-up care and patient counseling. The Full Performance Health T...

Lead Health Technician (Ophthalmology- Eye Service) Nov 15 2023
$66 203 - 86 060 per year

Ophthalmology Technicians in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) support Ophthalmologists in diagnosis, treatment, prevention, follow-up care and patient counseling. The Full Performance Health T...