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What is the salary for FORESTRY TECHNICIAN in Brent?

Looking for a job as FORESTRY TECHNICIAN in Brent? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much FORESTRY TECHNICIAN actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Forestry technician in the year 2024 earns per year from 34 584 USD to 85 844 USD

A person working as Forestry technician typically earns around 67 231 USD in Brent in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 24% higher than the average salary in the United States

Forestry Technician Aug 31 2023
$42 022 - 60 703 per year

These positions will be located at a USDA Forest Service Unit. This Forestry Technician position serves as a full assistant to the supervisor of a Fire Engine Module in areas with the added complexit...

City: Brent
Forestry Technician (Fire Dispatch) Aug 31 2023
$34 584 - 60 703 per year

These positions are located at a USDA Forest Service Unit. The primary purpose of this position is to perform wildland firefighting work and to lead crews performing such work. See ADDITIONAL INFORM...

City: Brent
Forestry Technician (Timber Sale Administration) Nov 22 2024
$54 292 - 85 844 per year

The primary responsibility is to administer timber sales having conventional contract requirements and conditions. Multiple positions will be filled. Full performance level of each position is GS-046...

City: Brent
Lead Forestry Technician Aug 31 2023
$37 696 - 54 625 per year

These positions are located at a USDA Forest Service Unit. The primary purpose of this position is to perform wildland firefighting work and to lead crews performing such work. See ADDITIONAL INFORM...

City: Brent
Supervisory Forestry Technician Feb 07 2024
$54 292 - 77 955 per year

These positions will be located at a USDA Forest Service Unit. The primary purpose of this position is to perform wildland firefighting work and to lead crews performing such work. See ADDITIONAL IN...

City: Brent
Supervisory Forestry Technician (SFEOH) Aug 31 2023
$46 696 - 67 231 per year

These positions will be located at a USDA Forest Service Unit. Serves as first line supervisor on a High Complexity Fire Engine Module. The primary purpose of the position is to perform wildland fire...

City: Brent