The position is located in the Office of APL, Office of International Affairs, Office of Asia Pacific and serves as the FAA desk officer and a focal point on U.S. civil aviation policies, practices an...
The position is located in the Office of APL, Office of International Affairs, Office of Asia Pacific and serves as the FAA desk officer and a focal point on U.S. civil aviation policies, practices an...
The position is located in the Office of APL, Office of International Affairs, Office of Asia Pacific and serves as the FAA desk officer and a focal point on U.S. civil aviation policies, practices an...
The incumbent will serve as a Foreign Affairs Specialist in the Office of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration, International Division, AUS-200....
The incumbent of this position is a Foreign Affairs Officer assigned to the Office of International Religious Freedom (IRF). J/IRF promotes universalrespect for freedom of religion or belief...
You can make a difference in the world with a career at the Department of State! We are hiring many experienced Civil Service Foreign Affairs Officers (FAOs) across the Department in various regional ...
The Colin Powell Leadership Program is seeking highly motivated applicants from a variety of backgrounds who possess the potential and aspiration to become future Civil Service leaders at the U.S. Dep...
Located in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. This position serves as a Foreign Affairs Officer responsible for broad law enforcement, rule of law and counternarcotics ...
This position is located in the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP Office or J/TIP), which leads the Department’s global efforts to combat human trafficking. This ser...
Located in the Bureau of Energy Resources, Energy Diplomacy, Office of Middle East and Asia (ENR/EDP/MEA). This position handles the China, Taiwan, and Mongolia portfolios. This serves as p...
This position is located in the Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs , Office of the Assistant Secretary (INL). INL is responsible for the development of policies and the man...
The Foreign Affairs Specialist position is located in Office of APL, Office of International Affairs (API), Africa, Europe, and Middle East Office (AEU), Africa, Europe, and Middle East Staff (AEU-10)...
The Foreign Affairs Specialist position is located in Office of APL, Office of International Affairs (API), Africa, Europe, and Middle East Office (AEU), Africa, Europe, and Middle East Staff (AEU-10)...
Position is in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Office of Knowledge Management, Technical Advisory Division (INL/KM/TA) and is responsible for technical advisory supp...
The position is located on the Bilateral Affairs Team, Office of China Coordination, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (EAP/CHINA). You will provide authoritative advice, analysis, an...
This position is located in the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Office of Missile, Biological, and Chemical Nonproliferation (ISN/MBC). ISN/MBC develops and implements policies ...
This position is located in is located in the Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, Office of Defense Trade Controls Policy (PM/DTCP). The Office of D...
This position is located in the Office of Ocean and Polar Affairs, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES/O/OPA). OES/O/OPA leads global engagement to advance the...
This position is located in the Office of Ocean and Polar Affairs, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES/O/OPA). OES/O/OPA leads global engagement to advance the...
The primary mission of the Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) is the development of policies and management of programs to combat drug production and trafficking and ...