Looking for a job as COMPLIANCE INSPECTION AND SUPPORT in Phoenix? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much COMPLIANCE INSPECTION AND SUPPORT actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Compliance inspection and support in the year 2024 earns per year from 32 357 USD to 98 515 USD
A person working as Compliance inspection and support typically earns around 77 399 USD in Phoenix in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 43% higher than the average salary in the United States
View Common Definitions of terms found in this announcement. Organizational Location: These positions are located in the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Enforcem...
This position is located with the Office of the Secretary of Interior, OJS, Missing and Murdered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Phoenix, Arizona, and Rapid City, South Dakota. Evidence Technicians will ...
Securing Travel, Protecting People - At the Transportation Security Administration, you will serve in a high-stakes environment to safeguard the American way of life. In cities across the country, you...
This position is located in a field office in the Field Operations Directorate, Office of Field Operations, Central Regional Offices. As an Immigration Services Assistant (OA), you will support the A...
Explore a new career with the BLM - where our people are our most precious resource. This position is located in Phoenix, Arizona in Mission Support Communication Division. Information about Phoenix a...
Securing Travel, Protecting People - At the Transportation Security Administration, you will serve in a high-stakes environment to safeguard the American way of life. In cities across the country, you...
Explore a new career with the BLM - where our people are our most precious resource. This position is located in Phoenix, Arizona, in the Division of Business and Support Services.. We expect to fil...
Corrections professionals who foster a humane and secure environment and ensure public safety by preparing individuals for successful reentry into our communities. Our highly-skilled, diverse, and inn...
This position is located in Field Operations Directorate, Office of Field Operations, District 31, Phoenix AZ Field Office. As an Supervisory Immigration Services Assistant (SISA), you will provide t...
Securing Travel, Protecting People - At the Transportation Security Administration, you will serve in a high-stakes environment to safeguard the American way of life. In cities across the country, you...
Transportation Security Officers are responsible for providing security and protection of travelers across all transportation sectors in a courteous and professional manner. Their duties may also exte...
The Wage and Hour Division (WHD) is an essential labor law enforcement agency responsible for enforcing significant labor laws affecting nearly 150 million workers. Our mission is to protect rights re...