Looking for a job as ATTORNEY in Saint Louis? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much ATTORNEY actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Attorney in the year 2024 earns per year from 62 107 USD to 213 000 USD
A person working as Attorney typically earns around 183 400 USD in Saint Louis in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 238% higher than the average salary in the United States
The U.S. Attorney's Office is responsible for the prosecution of federal crimes in the Eastern District of Missouri, including crimes relating to terrorism, fraud, public corruption, firearms, narcoti...
Associate General Counsel for Acquisition Law & Intellectual Property...
Assoc General Counsel, Mission & International Law...
Attorneys provide legal advice and representation to ensure that NGA accomplishes its mission in compliance with applicable laws. They ascertain facts, analyze issues, apply legal authorities, render ...
Attorneys provide legal advice and representation to ensure that NGA accomplishes its mission in compliance with applicable laws. They ascertain facts, analyze issues, apply legal authorities, render ...
Attorneys provide legal advice and representation to ensure that NGA accomplishes its mission in compliance with applicable laws. They ascertain facts, analyze issues, apply legal authorities, render ...
This position is located in the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of General Counsel....
Deputy General Counsel...
About the Position: Works under the general supervision of the managing counsel to whom assigned. Duties are performed independently, on own initiative and without preliminary instructions or technica...
The U.S. Attorney's Office is responsible for the prosecution of federal crimes in the Eastern District of Missouri, including crimes relating to terrorism, fraud, public corruption, firearms, narcoti...
The United States Attorney's Office Eastern District of Missouri is looking for a highly qualified and experienced eLitigation attorney to fill a full-time position as an Assistant United States Attor...
As a Supervisory Attorney Advisor at the GS-0905-15, you will be part of the senior leadership of the EEOC District. The incumbent of this position serves as Deputy District Director and shares in the...