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Looking for a job as AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY GRADING? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY GRADING actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Agricultural commodity grading in the year 2024 earns per year from 37 696 USD in Yakima, WA to 153 354 USD in Cockeysville, MD

A person working as Agricultural commodity grading typically earns around 94 583 USD in USA in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 74% higher than the average salary in the United States

Agricultural Commodity Grader Jul 17 2023
$37 696 - 65 122 per year

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Specialty Crops Inspection (SCI) Division is responsible for developing U.S. grade standards and providing inspection, grading, certification, and audit-based...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Dairy) Aug 16 2024
$49 025 - 71 808 per year

The incumbent serves as an Agricultural Commodity Grader responsible for conducting grading of dairy products and inspections of dairy processing plants by evaluating premises, equipment, operations a...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Fruit & Vegetable) Dec 15 2023
$40 440 - 70 286 per year

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Specialty Crops Inspection (SCI) Division is responsible for developing U.S. grade standards and providing inspection, grading, certification, and audit-based...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Fruit and Vegetable) Jul 11 2023
$41 537 - 66 888 per year

The Specialty Crops Inspection (SCI) Division is responsible for developing U.S. grade standards and providing. Serve as a grader at an inspection point, processing facility or area office lab. Assign...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Fruits and Vegetables) Sep 11 2023
$37 696 - 60 703 per year

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Specialty Crops Inspection (SCI) Division is responsible for developing U.S. grade standards and providing inspection, grading, certification, and audit-based...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Grain) Aug 11 2023
$40 440 - 79 655 per year

The incumbent makes final grade determinations on products standardized under the Acts and may perform weighing activities at grain handling facilities. The incumbent may rotate between all facilitie...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Inspector in Charge) Oct 23 2023
$57 118 - 74 250 per year

In this position, you will serve as a senior grader at an inspection point, processing facility or area office lab, which may involve coordinating the work of other inspection personnel. You may perfo...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Meat) Aug 09 2023
$37 696 - 67 243 per year

You will perform a full range of meat grading and quality assurance monitoring duties in different locations. All locations may be eligible for a recruitment incentive....

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Meat) (Incentive Available) Dec 05 2023
$37 696 - 60 703 per year

You will perform a full range of meat grading and quality assurance monitoring duties in different locations. All locations may be eligible for a recruitment incentive....

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Meat) (Open Continuous) (Incentive Available) Aug 17 2023
$37 696 - 63 231 per year

You will perform a full range of meat grading and quality assurance monitoring duties in different locations. All locations may be eligible for a recruitment incentive. This Open Continuous Announce...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Meat) (Relief) Jan 09 2024
$76 788 - 99 821 per year

This position is located with the Livestock and Poultry Program, Quality Assessment Division, Grading Services Branch, which is responsible for developing, implementing, and administering programs for...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Poultry) Oct 16 2023
$37 696 - 60 703 per year

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Livestock & Poultry (LP) program is responsible for formulating and administering policies for marketing services and regulatory activities related to commodi...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Poultry) (Assistant to the Supervisor) Oct 17 2023
$62 898 - 81 771 per year

This position is located with the Livestock and Poultry Program, Quality Assessment Division, Grading Services Branch, and is responsible for developing, implementing, and administering programs for t...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Poultry) (Incentive Available) Dec 05 2023
$37 696 - 60 703 per year

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Livestock & Poultry (LP) program is responsible for formulating and administering policies for marketing services and regulatory activities related to commod...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Poultry) (Open Continuous) (Incentive Available) Jan 09 2024
$39 579 - 79 331 per year

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Livestock & Poultry (LP) program is responsible for formulating and administering policies for marketing services and regulatory activities related to commodi...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Poultry) (Relief Grader) Nov 05 2024
$66 036 - 99 821 per year

This position is located with the Livestock and Poultry Program, Quality Assessment Division, Grading Services Branch, which is responsible for developing, implementing, and administering programs for...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Poultry) (Relief) Oct 31 2023
$62 898 - 81 771 per year

This position is located with the Livestock and Poultry Program, Quality Assessment Division, Grading Services Branch, which is responsible for developing, implementing, and administering programs for...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Poultry) - Assistant to the Supervisor May 24 2024
$66 036 - 100 849 per year

The position is with the Livestock and Poultry Program, Quality Assessment Division, Grading Services Branch, and is responsible for developing, implementing, and administering programs for the gradin...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Poultry) - Relief May 29 2024
$85 844 - 100 849 per year

This position is located with the Livestock and Poultry Program, Quality Assessment Division, Grading Services Branch, which is responsible for developing, implementing, and administering programs for...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Specialty Crops) Aug 10 2023
$57 118 - 74 250 per year

The Specialty Crops Inspection (SCI) Division is responsible for developing U.S. grade standards and providing. The incumbent serves as a senior grader at an inspection point, processing facility or a...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Specialty Crops) Inspector In Charge Apr 18 2024
$68 913 - 89 584 per year

Agricultural Marketing Service's Specialty Crops Inspection Division is responsible for developing U.S. grade standards and providing inspection, grading, certification, and audit-based services natio...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Specialty Crops) Inspector-in-Charge Feb 22 2024
$71 875 - 93 435 per year

The AMS Specialty Crops Inspection Division is responsible for developing U.S. grade standards and providing inspection, grading, certification, and audit-based services nation-wide on a user-fee basi...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Specialty Crops) Training Officer Sep 06 2024
$78 820 - 102 463 per year

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Specialty Crops Inspection (SCI) Division is responsible for developing U.S. grade standards and providing inspection, grading, certification, and audit-based...

Agricultural Commodity Grader (Training Officer) Apr 30 2024
$72 553 - 110 803 per year

The Specialty Crops Inspection Division is responsible for developing U.S. grade standards and providing inspection, grading, certification, and audit-based services nation-wide on a user-fee basis fo...

Agricultural Commodity Grader- Inspector in Charge Jul 10 2023
$61 275 - 79 655 per year

In this position, the incumbent will serve as a senior grader at an inspection point, processing facility or area office lab, which may involve coordinating the work of other inspection personnel. The...

Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grader (Area Director) Mar 05 2024
$103 409 - 134 435 per year

The Classing Office administers assigned programs on cotton, cottonseed, and related commodities provided for in legislative and administrative requirements in connection with standards, marketing ser...

Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grader (Assistant Officer in Charge) Mar 11 2024
$87 208 - 113 366 per year

The position is located in an area office of the Agricultural Marketing Service, Specialty Crops Program, Specialty Crops Inspection Division. Incumbent will serve as the Assistant Officer-In-Charge a...

Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grader (Assistant Officer-in-Charge) Jul 28 2023
$69 107 - 107 680 per year

In this position, you will serve as the Assistant Officer-In-Charge at an Specialty Crops Inspection Division area office and shares fully, with the Officer in Charge, the responsibility for carrying ...

Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grader (Cotton) Aug 23 2023
$82 830 - 107 680 per year

Serves as a cotton classer responsible for the technical supervision of cotton classification services performed by the Cotton Program. Other responsibilities will consist of installing mechanical and...

Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grader (Cotton) (Assistant Area Director) Jun 14 2024
$86 962 - 113 608 per year

The Cotton Classing Office administers assigned programs on cotton and related commodities provided for in legislative and administrative requirements in connection with standards, marketing services,...

Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grader (Federal-State Supervisor) Jun 21 2024
$72 553 - 126 585 per year

This position is located in the Quality Assessment Division (QAD), Livestock & Poultry Program, AMS. The QAD is responsible for developing, implementing, and administering programs for the grading, ve...

Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grader (Grain) Nov 22 2024
$72 553 - 94 317 per year

The incumbent is responsible for supervising inspection and weighing activities for assigned shifts at an export elevator....

Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grader (Officer in Charge) Mar 15 2024
$108 245 - 140 713 per year

In this position, the incumbent will serve as the Officer in Charge at an Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Specialty Crops Program (SCP), Specialty Crops Inspection (SCI) Division area office and...

Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grader (Specialty Crops) (Officer-in-Charge) Oct 08 2024
$117 962 - 153 354 per year

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Specialty Crops Inspection (SCI) Division is responsible for developing U.S. grade standards and providing inspection, grading, certification, and audit-based...

Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grader (Specialty Crops) Officer-in-Charge Sep 12 2024
$91 897 - 119 463 per year

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Specialty Crops Inspection (SCI) Division is responsible for developing U.S. grade standards and providing inspection, grading, certification, and audit-based...

Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grader (Specialty Crops) (Assistant Officer-in-Charge) Dec 20 2024
$99 200 - 128 956 per year

Agricultural Marketing Service's Specialty Crops Inspection Division is responsible for developing U.S. grade standards and providing inspection, grading, certification, and audit-based services natio...

Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grader (Specialty Crops) Assistant Officer-in-Charge Nov 02 2023
$69 107 - 107 680 per year

Agricultural Marketing Service's Specialty Crops Inspection Division is responsible for developing U.S. grade standards and providing inspection, grading, certification, and audit-based services natio...

Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grader (Specialty Crops) Sub-Area Supervisor Oct 27 2023
$73 639 - 95 727 per year

Agricultural Marketing Service's Specialty Crops Inspection Division is responsible for developing U.S. grade standards and providing inspection, grading, certification, and audit-based services natio...

Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grader (Sub-Area Supervisor) Mar 11 2024
$72 758 - 94 583 per year

This position is located in an area office of the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Specialty Crops Program, Specialty Crops Inspection (SCI) Division. The Supervisory Agricultural Commodity Grade...