Fresh vacancies in CLEVELAND in public sphere. Where can aerospace engineering get a job with decent pay in 2023?
Please, look at more than 28 job openings and aerospace engineering: salary statistics in CLEVELAND?
AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, according to statistics, earns in Cleveland, from $54557 to $152950
This position resides in the Advanced Aircraft Project Office within the Aeronautics Directorate. The employee serves as Multidisciplinary Integration Manager overseeing the acquisition strategy for a...
This position resides in the Advanced Aircraft Project Office within the Aeronautics Directorate. The employee serves as an Aerospace Engineering Project Manager overseeing the acquisition strategy fo...
As the Lab Manager for the Structural Dynamics Lab, you will oversee lab personnel, including contractors, coordinate with customers, and contribute to the development of proposals and work estimates....
The primary role of the Communications Portfolio Systems Engineering Lead is to implement the pre-formulation SEMP for new technology initiatives and guide the systems engineering efforts in support o...
As an Aerospace Engineer in the Chemical and Thermal Propulsion Systems Branch within the Propulsion Division, Research and Engineering Directorate, at NASA Glenn Research Center, you will be involved...
As a Fluid Mechanics Engineer within the Propulsion Division at Glenn Research Center you will conduct research, technology development, engineering design, analysis, fabrication, testing, and operati...
The Flight System Assurance Office (QEF) within the Safety and Mission Assurance Directorate is seeking a qualified candidate to serve as the Chief Safety and Mission Assurance Officer (CSO) for the F...
The Chief of the Quality Engineering and Assurance Branch provides supervision of mission assurance professionals in the implementation of quality engineering, quality assurance, metrology and calibra...
As the Deputy Systems Engineering and Integration Lead for the Radioisotope Power Systems (RPS) Program, you will play a critical role in the creating standards for the design, development, integratio...
As the Product Lead Engineer for the Next Generation Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RTG) Project, you will play a key role in the development of critical space systems. You will lead a multi-o...
As the Power and Propulsion Element (PPE) Flight Systems Integration Lead within the Science and Space Technology Systems Branch of the Systems Engineering and Architecture Division at the NASA Glenn ...
As the Power and Propulsion Element (PPE) Systems Engineering and Integration (SEI) Deputy Lead within the Science and Space Technology Systems Branch of the Systems Engineering and Architecture Divis...
As the Power and Propulsion Element (PPE) Systems Engineering and Integration (SE&I) Lead within the Science and Space Technology Systems Branch of the Systems Engineering and Architecture Division at...
As the Power and Propulsion Element (PPE) Systems Engineering and Integration (SE&I) Lead within the Science and Space Technology Systems Branch of the Systems Engineering and Architecture Division at...
Serves as a Reliability and Maintainability Engineer in the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC), Reliability and System Safety Engineering Branch within the Safety and Mission Assurance Directorate. Defi...
Serves as an Aerospace Engineer for the GRC, Safety and Mission Assurance Directorate with an assigned duty location of Plumb Brook Military Base, Erie, Ohio. Performs Safety, Reliability, and Quality...
The Utilities and Services Integration Lead position is located within the Lunar Architecture Team (LAT) in the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate. The LAT has the role of developing ...
The Thermal Systems and Transport Processes Branch at the NASA Glenn Research Center is seeking engineers in thermal design, testing, and analysis for a variety of heat acquisition, transfer, and heat...
Serves as the Chief Safety and Mission Assurance Officer (CSO) for the programs and projects that comprise the Glenn Research Center Aeronautics, Science Mission Directorate, and Science Technology Mi...
Glenn Research Center is seeking an Aerospace Engineer, responsible for the coordination and integration of the Compass Team activities involving the conceptual design and concurrent engineering of sp...