Are you looking for job at Department of State - Agency Wide? Where can you find a good-paying job in 2023 at Department of State - Agency Wide? Here you can find over 216 job vacancies at Department of State - Agency Wide.
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This position is located in the Cyber Threat Analysis Division, Office of Cyber Threat and Investigations, Cyber and Technology Security Directorate, Bureau of Diplomatic Security, Department of State...
This position is located in the Cyber Operations Division, Office of Cyber Monitoring and Operations (CMO), Bureau of Diplomatic Security. You will oversee the CMO Cybersecurity Analytics and Data Ope...
This serves as public notice for the use of OPM's Direct Hire Authority. Applicants who meet the qualification requirements will be forwarded to the selecting official for consideration. We may select...
This position is located in the Program Impact Monitoring and Epidemiology (PRIME) office in the Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy (GHSD). The position serves as an Information Techn...
This position is located in the Office of the Chief Technology Officer, Office of the Executive Director, Bureau of Diplomatic Security. You will serve as the Chief Information Officer's (CIO's) princ...
The position is located in the Office of Analytics (GPA/RA/AN), Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) of Research and Analytics, Bureau of Global Public Affairs (GPA). The Office of Analytics supports Depa...
This serves as public notice for the use of Direct Hire Authority. Applicants will be forwarded to the selecting official for consideration. We may select from this announcement or any other source to...
The position serves as an Information Technology (IT) Specialist for the Global Customer Liaison Division, Customer Care and Support Office, Deputy CIO for Enterprise Services, Bureau of Diplomatic Te...
The position is located in the Information Management Division, Office of the Executive Director, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and Bureau of International Organizations Affairs (EUR-IO/EX-I...
This position is assigned to the Global Tactical Communications Division, Network Technologies Office, Deputy CIO for Enterprise Infrastructure, and Bureau of Diplomatic Technology (DT/EI/NT/GTC)...
This position is located in the Financial Management Division, Strategic Planning and Budget Office, Deputy CIO for Business Management and Planning, Bureau of Diplomatic Technology (IRM/BMP/SPB/FMD),...
The position is in the Network Provisioning and Activation Division, Office of Network Technologies, Deputy Chief Information Officer for Enterprise Infrastructure, Bureau of Diplomatic Technolog...
The U.S. Department of State’s Foreign Service Institute (FSI) is the United States government’s (USG) premier foreign affairs training provider and primary source of professional dev...
This position serves as an Information Technology Cybersecurity Specialist reporting to the Supervisory Information Technology Specialist in the Network Provisioning and Activations Division, Network ...
This position is located in the Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability; National and Nuclear Risk Reduction Center (ADS/NNRRC). For for information about this office, visit: ...
This position is located within the U.S. Department of State (State or Department), Office of Inspector General (OIG), which has statutory oversight responsibility covering the Department, the U.S. Ag...
This position is in the Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services (CGFS), Deputy Comptroller for Financial Operations and Global Compensation, Managing Director for Global Financial Oper...
This serves as a public notice for the use of the Direct Hire Authority. The APPLY button is deactivated. Applications will not be accepted through this flyer. Interested applicants must follow the di...
The mission of the Office of Chief lnformation Officer (OCIO) is to employ a mission-centric approach to Information Technology (IT) operations focused on customer service, collaboration, and innovati...
The position is located in the Cloud and Virtual Services Division, Infrastructure Management Office, Deputy CIO for Enterprise Infrastructure, and Bureau of Diplomatic Technology (DT/EI/IM/CVS)....