Looking for a job at LEGISLATIVE BRANCH - AGENCY WIDE? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice
Salaries at Legislative Branch - Agency Wide range from $60 000 per year for a Public Affairs Associate position to $170 000 per year for a Director of Research and Policy position
The average salary at Legislative Branch - Agency Wide is $75 000 per year
Salary information at Legislative Branch - Agency Wide is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Legislative Branch - Agency Wide job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.
Positions | Salary |
Chief of Public Affairs | $120 000 - 140 000 per year |
Communications Specialist | $75 000 - 90 000 per year |
Director of Research and Policy | $140 000 - 170 000 per year |
Financial Management Analyst | $70 000 - 85 000 per year |
Policy Analyst | $75 000 - 85 000 per year |
Public Affairs Associate | $60 000 - 75 000 per year |
Looking for a job at LEGISLATIVE BRANCH - AGENCY WIDE? Check out the latest job openings at LEGISLATIVE BRANCH - AGENCY WIDE on our website.