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Job gov vacancies in Lumberton. Where to find employment in public sector?

Where can you find a good-paying state job in 2024 in Lumberton? Here you can find over 0 job vacancies in Lumberton.

The job market in Lumberton is relatively small compared to larger cities. While there are a variety of industries present, such as healthcare, retail, and manufacturing, job opportunities may be limited. The unemployment rate is slightly higher than the national average, at 5.8% as of August 2021. However, there are efforts being made to attract new businesses and industries to the area, which could potentially result in more job openings.

Some of the top employers in Lumberton include Southeastern Health, Walmart, and Mountaire Farms. Median household income in the city is around $38,000, which is lower than the national median. While the job market may not be as vibrant as other urban areas, there are still opportunities for those willing to search and adapt to the available industries in the area.
