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Job gov vacancies in Charleston. Where to find employment in public sector?

Where can you find a good-paying state job in 2024 in Charleston? Here you can find over 2 job vacancies in Charleston.

The job market in Charleston, South Carolina has been growing steadily in recent years. It is a popular city for both residents and tourists, with a thriving economy that offers opportunities in various industries. The area has a strong focus on healthcare, education, and hospitality, with numerous hospitals, universities, and hotels located in the city.

Charleston's economy has also been impacted by the growth of manufacturing and technology companies in the region. Boeing, for example, has a large presence in the city, employing thousands of workers in its aircraft manufacturing facilities. The city's location on the coast also attracts businesses in the maritime and logistics industries. Overall, Charleston offers a diverse range of job opportunities for job seekers across a broad range of fields.

Natural Resource Specialist (Business Tools Specialist) Mar 19 2024
$59 966 - 105 289 per year

The purpose of the position is to serve as a Conservation Business Tools Specialist with responsibility to provide leadership, technology development, technology transfer, and technical assistance for...

County Program Technician Oct 18 2023
$34 584 - 60 703 per year

These are County Program Technician position(s); exact location(s) are listed to the right. Applying to this vacancy constitutes your understanding that your resume, assessment and other application ...