Where can you find a good-paying state job in 2025 in Blair? Here you can find over 3 job vacancies in Blair.
The job market in Blair, a city in Nebraska, is relatively stable. The unemployment rate in the city is at 2.7%, which is below the national average. The top industries in Blair are manufacturing, healthcare, and retail. The largest employers in the city are Cargill, a food processing company, and the Blair Public Schools district. There are also opportunities in a range of industries, including agriculture and transportation. The city has a growing number of startups and entrepreneurs, making it an attractive destination for those looking to work in the tech industry.
Overall, the job market in Blair is competitive but promising. There are a range of job options for both skilled and unskilled workers, and the city continues to grow at a steady pace. Wages are generally competitive, with the average hourly wage in the city standing at around $19. However, those looking for high-paying jobs in high-demand sectors like finance or law may need to look elsewhere. Despite this, Blair is an attractive city for job seekers looking for a good quality of life and a stable job market.
This position is in a District, Area, or Field Office within the NRCS and serves as a Wetland Conservationist in the provision of direct wetland determination assistance to Field Offices and Participa...
This a County Executive Director - Expanded position located in the Washington County FSA Office, in Blair, Nebraska. Shared management with Burt County in Tekamah, Nebraska. Per 27-PM, Par. 454, th...
The incumbent serves as a District Conservationist assisting the Conservation Districts within the managerial unit, consisting of one or more counties or districts, in the development of a comprehensi...