As a Supervisory Management and Program Analyst, you will: Initiate, plan, implement, and review all tasks associated with operating a government-wide initiative to promote data transparency and est...
As a Supervisory Management and Program Analyst, you will Initiate, plan, implement, and review all tasks associated with operating a government-wide initiative to promote data transparency and esta...
WHAT IS THE TAS - TAXPAYER ADVOCATE SERVICE DIVISION? A description of the business units can be found at: Vacancies will be filled in the follow...
WHAT IS THE COMMUNICATIONS AND LIAISON (C&L) DIVISION? A description of the business units can be found at: Vacancies will be filled in the follo...
WHAT IS THE TAX PAYER ADVOCATE SERVICE (TAS)DIVISION? A description of the business units can be found at: Vacancies will be filled in the follow...