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What is the salary for SUPPLY CLERICAL AND TECHNICIAN in Groton?

Looking for a job as SUPPLY CLERICAL AND TECHNICIAN in Groton? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much SUPPLY CLERICAL AND TECHNICIAN actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Supply clerical and technician in the year 2024 earns per year from 52 471 USD to 71 808 USD

A person working as Supply clerical and technician typically earns around 71 808 USD in Groton in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 32% higher than the average salary in the United States

$55 236 - 71 808 per year

You will serve as a Supply Technician of NAVSUP FLEET LOGISTICS CENTER NORFOLK....

SUPPLY TECHNICIAN (Title 32) Jul 14 2023
$52 471 - 68 212 per year

THIS IS A TITLE 32 DUAL STATUS POSITION DUTY LOCATION: Combined Surface Maintenance Shop (CSMS), Windsor Locks, CT AREA(S) OF CONSIDERATION: Area 1: All currently employed full-time permanent and i...

SUPPLY TECHNICIAN (Title 32) (2 POS) Jun 18 2024
$55 236 - 71 808 per year

THIS IS A TITLE 32 DUAL STATUS POSITION DUTY LOCATION: Theater Aviation Sustainment Maintenance Group (TASMG), Groton, CT AREA(S) OF CONSIDERATION: Area 1: All currently employed full-time permanen...

SUPPLY TECHNICIAN (Title 32)(2 POS) Jan 31 2024
$55 236 - 71 808 per year

THIS IS A TITLE 32 DUAL STATUS POSITION DUTY LOCATION: Theater Aviation Sustainment Maintenance Group (TASMG), Groton, CT AREA(S) OF CONSIDERATION: Area 1: All currently employed full-time permanen...

$55 236 - 71 808 per year

THIS IS A TITLE 32 DUAL STATUS POSITION DUTY LOCATION: Theater Aviation Sustainment Maintenance Group (TASMG), Groton, CT AREA(S) OF CONSIDERATION: Area 1: All currently employed full-time permanen...