Looking for a job as SOCIAL WORK in Salem? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much SOCIAL WORK actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Social work in the year 2024 earns per year from 65 782 USD to 147 474 USD
A person working as Social work typically earns around 124 011 USD in Salem in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 129% higher than the average salary in the United States
The Healthcare for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Program Coordinator's primary responsibilities are to manage the daily operations of case management, administration, clinical, and programmatic needs of th...
The incumbent serves as a program coordinator for Dementia Care and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) providing outpatient case management and care coordination at the Salem Veterans Affairs (VA) Health Ca...
The Nephrology/Dialysis Social Work Coordinator provides social work services to Veterans receiving care in the outpatient Dialysis clinic, VA Clinics (formerly CBOCs) or as inpatients who are admitte...
HUD-VASH is an intensive case management program for chronically homeless Veterans aimed at providing psychosocial services to Veterans while residing in stable housing through HUD's Section 8 voucher...
HUD-VASH is an intensive case management program for chronically homeless Veterans aimed at providing psychosocial services to Veterans. The HUD-VASH Coordinator in this position works in conjunction ...
The incumbent provides mental health/substance use services to the Veteran population enrolled at the Salem VA Health Care System. Services include provision of high-quality case management, individua...
The Nephrology/Dialysis Social Work Coordinator provides social work services to Veterans receiving care in the outpatient Dialysis clinic, VA Clinics (formerly CBOCs) or as inpatients who are admitte...
The Social Worker Program Coordinator serves as the COMPACT Act Coordinator and has responsibility as the primary navigator for Veterans receiving care under COMPACT Act. This includes coordinating tr...
The Social Work Program Coordinator serves locally as the Caregiver Support Program Manager overseeing service delivery, staff, and coordination of care activities for the entire Caregiver Support Pro...
The position is located in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Veterans Health Administration (VHA), and Mid-Atlantic Health Care Network (VISN 6), in any of the VA Medical Centers (VAMC) or thei...
This position functions both as the facility's LGBTQ+ Veteran Care Coordinator as well as a social worker in the substance use treatment program at the Salem VA Health Care System. providing case mana...
The Military2VA (M2VA) Program Manager oversees all transition activities and the coordination of care and services for any active-duty military personnel and Veterans who served on or after September...
Spinal Cord Injury is one of six nationally recognized Veterans Health Administration (VHA) special disability programs. The SCI Program Coordinator oversees access to care, referrals for treatment s...
The incumbent provides mental health/substance use services to the Veteran population enrolled at the Salem VA Health Care System. Services include provision of high-quality case management, individua...
The GS-11 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Clinical team (PCT) Social Worker (SW) is assigned to the Inpatient Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Team at the Salem VA HCS within an Integrated Domiciliary (D...
The Salem VA Medical Center is a Level 1C facility with five associated VA clinics. The Supervisory Social Worker is responsible for supervising a significant number of professional staff at the Salem...
The incumbent is assigned to the Salem Veterans Affairs Health Care System (Salem VA HCS) in Salem, Virginia. Incumbent serves as a Supervisory Social Worker and provides direct patient services to th...
Incumbent is assigned to the Salem Veterans Affairs Health Care System (Salem VA HCS) and functions as part of an interdisciplinary team. Social Work Services are carried out in full accordance with s...
The incumbent is assigned to the Salem Veterans Affairs Health Care System (Salem VA HCS) in Salem, Virginia. Incumbent serves as a Supervisory Social Worker and provides direct patient services to th...
The incumbent is assigned to the Salem Veterans Affairs Health Care System (Salem VA HCS) in Salem, Virginia. Incumbent serves as a Supervisory Social Worker and provides direct patient services to th...