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What is the salary for SOCIAL WORK in Cedar Rapids?

Looking for a job as SOCIAL WORK in Cedar Rapids? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much SOCIAL WORK actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Social work in the year 2024 earns per year from 62 261 USD to 122 888 USD

A person working as Social work typically earns around 97 925 USD in Cedar Rapids in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 81% higher than the average salary in the United States

Social Worker Oct 20 2023
$62 261 - 97 925 per year

NOTE: Readjustment Counselors are multi-disciplinary and can be filled by: Social Worker, Psychologist, Licensed Professional Mental Health Counselor, and Marriage & Family Therapist. Each discipline ...

Social Worker (Program Coordinator) - Geriatric Coordinator Jul 31 2023
$88 248 - 117 376 per year

This position is located in Cedar Rapids Iowa at the Community Resource and Referral Center. The incumbent will service as a HUD-VASH Geriatric Coordinator for the VA Homeless Program. This is a colla...

Social Worker - HUD/VASH Dec 01 2023
$73 627 - 97 925 per year

The Social Worker in this position will report to the HUD-VASH Supervisor, in the Patient Care Service Line at the Iowa City VA Health Care System and located in Cedar Rapids or Davenport, Iowa. The i...

Social Worker - Mental Health - Recruitment/Relocation Incentive Authorized Sep 13 2023
$62 261 - 97 925 per year

This position is eligible for the Education Debt Reduction Program (EDRP), a student loan payment reimbursement program. You must meet specific individual eligibility requirements in accordance with V...

Social Worker - Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program - Incentive Authorized -- Aug 24 2023
$62 261 - 97 925 per year

Cedar Rapids CBOC This position is eligible for the Education Debt Reduction Program (EDRP), a student loan payment reimbursement program. You must meet specific individual eligibility requirements in...

Social Worker-Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program Nov 22 2023
$62 261 - 97 925 per year

This occupational series is eligible for the Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP). Repayment is limited to $10,000 annually, up to $100,000 in lifetime awards. Participants must sign a service agreem...

Supervisory Social Worker (Vet Center Director) Feb 06 2024
$94 533 - 122 888 per year

NOTE: Readjustment Counselors are multi-disciplinary and can be filled by: Social Worker, Psychologist, Licensed Professional Mental Health Counselor, and Marriage & Family Therapist. Each discipline ...