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What is the salary for SALES STORE CLERICAL in Redstone Arsenal?

Looking for a job as SALES STORE CLERICAL in Redstone Arsenal? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much SALES STORE CLERICAL actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Sales store clerical in the year 2025 earns per year from 10 000 000 USD to 20 USD

A person working as Sales store clerical typically earns around 17 USD in Redstone Arsenal in 2025. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is -100% less than the average salary in the United States

Sales Clerk NF-01 Apr 03 2024
$15 - 17 per hour

This position is located at Golf Course, Restone Arsenal, Alabama. To better expedite the hiring process, we recommend including full contact information (name, address, phone number, email, etc.) fo...

Sales Store Checker Aug 11 2023
$16 - 20 per hour

Sales Store Checkers operate a cash register scanning system to check out items and to receive payment for purchases made in a commissary store. The work is like a cashier or clerk at your local groce...