Looking for a job as PRACTICAL NURSE in Cincinnati? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much PRACTICAL NURSE actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Practical nurse in the year 2024 earns per year from 31 265 USD to 80 816 USD
A person working as Practical nurse typically earns around 79 388 USD in Cincinnati in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 46% higher than the average salary in the United States
The Cincinnati, OH VA Medical Center is seeking a License Practical Nurse - Clinical Associate to work in the Vaccine Clinic. LPN may float to other primary care settings; including primary care clini...
The Cincinnati, OH VA Medical Center is seeking a well-qualified Licensed Practical Nurse to fill a Home Telehealth position located in the National Tele-Critical Care Program....
The Cincinnati VA Medical Center is seeking highly qualified full time, permanent LPNs to work in the Community Living Center at the main VA campus in Cincinnati OH as a Wound Care LPN....
The Cincinnati, OH VA Medical Center is seeking 1 Licensed Practical Nurse to work in Connected Care. The LPN performs assigned duties in a manner that promotes quality health care, outstanding custom...
The Cincinnati VA Medical Center is seeking a full time permanent Primary Care LPN to work at the Main Cincinnati VA campus in our Combat Veteran Clinics. LPN would care for veterans who served in OE...
The Cincinnati, OH VA Medical Center is seeking a License Practical Nurse to work in the Vaccine Clinic. This LPN may float to other primary care settings; including primary care clinics, women's heal...
The Cincinnati, OH VA Medical Center is seeking a Licensed Practical Nurse to work in the Woman's Health Clinic. The Gynecology (GYN) LPN performs assigned duties in a manner that promotes quality hea...
The Cincinnati, OH VA Medical Center is seeking 1 Licensed Practical Nurse to work in Geriatrics and Extended Care. The LPN performs assigned duties in a manner that promotes quality health care, outs...
The Cincinnati, OH VA Medical Center is seeking a License Practical Nurse to work in Women's Health at the Main Cincinnati Campus. LPN's are expected to promote quality health care, positive customer ...
The Cincinnati, OH VA Medical Center is seeking 1 Licensed Practical Nurse to work in a Primary Care on Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT). The LPN performs assigned duties in a manner that promotes qua...
The Cincinnati, OH VA Medical Center is seeking a Licensed Practical Nurse to work in the Woman's Health Clinic. The Gynecology (GYN) LPN performs assigned duties in a manner that promotes quality hea...
The Cincinnati, OH VA Medical Center is seeking a Licensed Practical Nurse to work in the Woman's Health Clinic. The LPN performs assigned duties in a manner that promotes quality health care, outstan...