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What is the salary for PRACTICAL NURSE in Columbia?

Looking for a job as PRACTICAL NURSE in Columbia? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much PRACTICAL NURSE actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Practical nurse in the year 2024 earns per year from 44 314 USD to 79 045 USD

A person working as Practical nurse typically earns around 78 772 USD in Columbia in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 45% higher than the average salary in the United States

Licensed Practical Nurse - Residential Rehab Treatment Program (RRTP) Dec 28 2023
$44 314 - 75 490 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We offer...

Licensed Practical Nurse - Inpatient Mental Health Nov 20 2024
$46 397 - 79 045 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We offer...

Licensed Practical Nurse - Inpatient Psychiatric Unit /2C Sep 05 2024
$46 397 - 79 045 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We offer...

Licensed Practical Nurse - Medical Specialty Clinics/Gastrointestinal (GI) Jun 18 2024
$46 397 - 79 045 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We offer...

Licensed Practical Nurse - Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program (2C) Oct 17 2024
$46 397 - 79 045 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We offer...

Licensed Practical Nurse - Surgical Specialty Clinics Dec 21 2023
$44 314 - 75 490 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We offe...

Practical Nurse (LPN) Oct 12 2023
$44 314 - 75 490 per year

This Licensed Practical Nurse will be working in the Inpatient Behavior Health Department, responsible for delivering designated nursing activities for patients, families and/or significant others exp...

Practical Nurse - Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program/2C Dec 13 2024
$46 397 - 79 045 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We offer...

Practical Nurse - Community Living Center Nov 09 2023
$48 952 - 78 772 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We off...

Practical Nurse - Inpatient Psychiatric Unit - 2B Oct 30 2023
$44 314 - 75 490 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We offer...

Practical Nurse - Medical Specialty Clinics/Dermatology Nov 30 2023
$44 314 - 75 490 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We offe...

Practical Nurse - PACT LPN - Primary Care Nov 27 2024
$46 397 - 79 045 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We offe...

Practical Nurse - Residential Rehab Treatment Program (RRTP) Aug 29 2023
$44 314 - 75 490 per year

LPN uses practical nursing knowledge and skills to provide care according to the patient's condition and treatment plan; to provide care in a manner that is therapeutic, supportive, and individualized...

Practical Nurse-Community Living Center Oct 17 2023
$44 314 - 75 490 per year

This Licensed Practical Nurse will be assigned to the Community Living Center, responsible for delivering designated nursing activities for patients, families and/or significant others experiencing ac...