Looking for a job as NURSING ASSISTANT in San Francisco? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much NURSING ASSISTANT actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Nursing assistant in the year 2024 earns per year from 45 087 USD to 77 068 USD
A person working as Nursing assistant typically earns around 77 068 USD in San Francisco in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 42% higher than the average salary in the United States
The Nursing Assistant will be assigned to the Ambulatory Surgery Unit and the Post Anesthesia Care Unit. The Nursing Assistant will be responsible for providing support to the ASU/PACU Departments....
The Nursing Assistant (NA) will be responsible for delivering safe patient/resident care at the San Francisco VA Health Care System in the Community Living Center. The NA is a member of the nursing ca...
The Nursing Assistant will be responsible for delivering safe patient/resident care at the San Francisco VA Health Care System in the Community Living Center....
The Nursing Assistant will be assigned to the Ambulatory Surgery Unit and the Post Anesthesia Care Unit. The Nursing Assistant will be responsible for providing support to the ASU/PACU Departments....
Nursing Assistants can serve as Facility -Wide Resources in addition to 1A and ACIC to cover facility-wide staffing needs. They can be floated to any area in the facility as deemed appropriate and mai...
The Nursing Assistant/Certified Nursing Assistant is accountable to the licensed nurse for providing basic nursing care to adult and geriatric patients. Daily assignment, supervision, and review of wo...
The Restorative Nursing Assistant (RNA) assigned to the Community Living Center (CLC) provides safe and individualized restorative care to complex, frail and mostly elderly residents who are acutely o...