Looking for a job as NURSING ASSISTANT in Tucson? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much NURSING ASSISTANT actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Nursing assistant in the year 2024 earns per year from 35 091 USD to 59 981 USD
A person working as Nursing assistant typically earns around 59 981 USD in Tucson in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 11% higher than the average salary in the United States
This is an extended open announcement. We accept applications for these occupations on an ongoing basis; qualified applicants will be considered as vacancies become available. This announcement covers...
This is an extended open announcement. We accept applications for these occupations on an ongoing basis; qualified applicants will be considered as vacancies become available. This announcement covers...
The Southern Arizona VA Health Care System is seeking 2 Nursing Assistant's in the Acute Care Nursing Service(E2Med) Nights. ...
Post Anesthesia Care Unit: Assisting the PACU teams with preparing Veterans for surgery, recovery after surgery, and transporting to other areas within the facility. Also assists with delivering Veter...
The Restorative Nursing Assistant is responsible for the delivery of Restorative and Recreational nursing activities to patients experiencing a variety of functional debilities. The Restorative NA fu...
The Southern Arizona VA Health Care System is seeking a part-time Nursing Assistant (Telemetry) in the Acute Care Nursing Service Service(3 North) ...
The Nursing Assistant performs complex age specific nursing care for patients with dementia with a variety of physical, behavioral or psychological needs. The incumbent continues to provide care under...
The Nursing Assistant performs complex age specific nursing care for patients with dementia with a variety of physical, behavioral or psychological needs. The incumbent continues to provide care under...
The Nursing Assistant performs complex age specific nursing care for patients with dementia with a variety of physical, behavioral or psychological needs. The incumbent continues to provide care under...
The Nursing Assistant performs complex age specific nursing care for patients with dementia with a variety of physical, behavioral or psychological needs. The incumbent continues to provide care under...
The Nursing Assistant (NA) functions as a member of the nursing care team and assist licensed nursing staff in the care of patients/residents receiving preventive, acute, sub-acute chronic, maintenanc...
The Nursing Assistant performs complex age specific nursing care for patients with a variety of physical, mental, behavioral or psychological needs. The incumbent continues to provide care under super...