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What is the salary for NURSE in Palm Desert?

Looking for a job as NURSE in Palm Desert? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much NURSE actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Nurse in the year 2024 earns per year from 54 620 USD to 235 600 USD

A person working as Nurse typically earns around 100 930 USD in Palm Desert in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 86% higher than the average salary in the United States

Licensed Vocational Nurse (Primary Care) Palm Desert Community Based Outpatient Clinic Dec 13 2023
$54 620 - 86 743 per year

The Primary Care Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) provides high-quality, evidence-based care for a culturally diverse Veteran population; emphasizing patient centered care to veteran's ages 18 to 75 an...

Nurse Practitioner (Primary Care) Palm Desert Community Based Outpatient Clinic Dec 13 2023
$139 642 - 235 600 per year

The Nurse Practitioner (NP) has advanced education and experience who cares for a specific population of patients within the Primary Care section. Applies specialized clinical nursing knowledge and sk...

Registered Nurse (Primary Care) Palm Desert Community Based Outpatient Clinic Dec 13 2023
$96 100 - 173 831 per year

The RN provides care and counseling of persons or in the promotion and maintenance of health and prevention of illness and injury based upon the nursing process which includes systematic data gatherin...

Vocational Nurse (CBOC-Palm Desert) Dec 17 2024
$57 187 - 90 828 per year

The Primary Care Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) provides high-quality, evidence-based care for a culturally diverse Veteran population; emphasizing patient centered care to veteran's ages 18 to 75 an...

Vocational Nurse (CBOC-Telehealth) Aug 07 2024
$77 637 - 100 930 per year

The Advanced LVN GS-7 functions as a member of the health care team by demonstrating an exceptional degree of practical nursing knowledge and skills necessary for self-direction in carrying out comple...

Vocational Nurse (Palm Desert) Aug 22 2024
$57 187 - 90 828 per year

The Primary Care Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) provides high-quality, evidence-based care for a culturally diverse Veteran population; emphasizing patient centered care to veteran's ages 18 to 75 an...

Vocational Nurse(CBOC-Telehealth) Jun 21 2024
$77 637 - 100 930 per year

The Advanced LVN GS-7 functions as a member of the health care team by demonstrating an exceptional degree of practical nursing knowledge and skills necessary for self-direction in carrying out comple...