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What is the salary for NURSE in Jefferson City?

Looking for a job as NURSE in Jefferson City? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much NURSE actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Nurse in the year 2024 earns per year from 44 314 USD to 153 377 USD

A person working as Nurse typically earns around 120 920 USD in Jefferson City in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 123% higher than the average salary in the United States

Nurse Manager - Jefferson City/Mexico City CBOC Feb 22 2024
$87 590 - 153 377 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We offer...

Practical Nurse - Jefferson City - VA Outpatient Clinic Nov 20 2023
$44 314 - 75 490 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We offe...

Practical Nurse - PACT LPN Nov 26 2024
$46 397 - 79 045 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We offer...

Practical Nurse - Telehealth Clinical Technician - Jefferson City CBOC Oct 04 2024
$46 397 - 79 045 per year

Truman VA Medical Center is committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Together, we strive to create and maintain a working and learning environment that promotes professional growth and teamwork. We offer...

Registered Nurse - Care Coordinator - Jefferson City Outpatient Clinic Sep 12 2023
$61 214 - 120 920 per year

The Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) PACT Care Coordinator is directly responsible to the designated manager in the assigned area; the registered nurse is responsible and accountable for the p...