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What is the salary for NURSE in Tsaile?

Looking for a job as NURSE in Tsaile? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much NURSE actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Nurse in the year 2025 earns per year from 71 483 USD to 124 335 USD

A person working as Nurse typically earns around 124 335 USD in Tsaile in 2025. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 129% higher than the average salary in the United States

Lead Nurse - DHA Aug 22 2023
$83 685 - 108 795 per year

The purpose of this position is to serve as a team leader for 3 clinical nurses, 3 nursing assistants, and 3 medical support assistants. Incumbent performs the same kind of work and level as that done...

City: Tsaile
Lead Nurse - ESEP/MP Aug 22 2023
$83 685 - 108 795 per year

The purpose of this position is to serve as a team leader for 3 clinical nurses, 3 nursing assistants, and 3 medical support assistants. Incumbent performs the same kind of work and level as that done...

City: Tsaile
Nurse Nov 20 2024
$71 483 - 106 770 per year

This position is located at the Indian Health Service, Tsaile Health Center, Nursing Department. The primary purpose is to provide comprehensive nursing care services for the outpatient departments wi...

City: Tsaile
Nurse (CAM) - DHA Mar 26 2024
$82 131 - 124 335 per year

Incumbent serves as the Clinical Application Coordinator (CAC), the primary purpose is to improve patient care through the use of automation tools such as the computerized of clinical information to i...

City: Tsaile
Nurse (CAM) - ESEP/MP Mar 26 2024
$82 131 - 124 335 per year

Incumbent serves as the Clinical Application Coordinator (CAC), the primary purpose is to improve patient care through the use of automation tools such as the computerized of clinical information to i...

City: Tsaile