Looking for a job as NAVAL ARCHITECTURE? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much NAVAL ARCHITECTURE actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Naval architecture in the year 2024 earns per year from 38 162 USD in Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, VA to 191 900 USD in Washington, DC
A person working as Naval architecture typically earns around 144 034 USD in USA in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 165% higher than the average salary in the United States
You will serve as a LEAD NAVAL ARCHITECT in the Hull/Structural Division, Engineering Department of SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING BATH. You will be responsible for contract administration of detailed de...
You will serve as a NAVAL ARCHITECT in the Structural Engineering and Planning Division, (Code 250), Engineering and Planning Department of NORFOLK NAVAL SHIPYARD....
You will serve as a NAVAL ARCHITECT (OCEAN & COASTAL) in the Naval Academy Hydromechanics Laboratory (NAHL) Branch/Department of NAVAL ACADEMY....
You will serve as a Naval Architect (Structural) in the Engineering and Planning Department, Structural Engineering and Planning Division C250 of PEARL HARBOR NSY AND IMF....
You will serve as a NAVAL ARCHITECT (STRUCTURES) in the Surface Ship Structural Branch (Code 256), Structural Engineering and Planning Division (Code 250), Engineering and Planning Department (Code 20...
This position is under the overall authority of the Associate Administrator for Business and Workforce Development and is in the Office of Shipyards and Marine Engineering. One of the missions of the ...
This position is located in the Department of Homeland Security, United States Coast Guard, Surface Forces Logistics Center, Icebreaker, Buoy, and Construction Tender Product Line (IBCT) located ...
This position is located in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), United States Coast Guard (USCG), Deputy Commandant for Mission Support, Assistant Commandant for Acquisition (CG-9), Director of...
This position is located in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U. S. Coast Guard (USCG), Deputy Commandant for Operations (CG-DCO), Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy (CG-5P), Director...
This position is located in the Department of Homeland Security, United States Coast Guard, Surface Forces Logistics Center, Engineering Services Division, Baltimore, MD. ...
This position is located in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), United States Coast Guard (USCG), Assistant Commandant for Engineering & Logistics (CG-4), Office of Naval Engineering (CG-45...
You will serve as a Supervisory Naval Architect in the Inactivation, Recycle and RCD Package Construction (IRR) Branch, Code 250.3/4, in the Structural Engineering Division (Code 250) of PSNS and IMF....
This position is located within the Naval Architecture Division (CG-ENG-2), Office of Design Engineering & Standards, Director of Commercial Regulations & Standards, Assistant Commandant for P...
You will serve as a SUPERVISORY NAVAL ARCHITECT (Technical and Division Director) in the Special Operating Forces (SOF) Undersea Mobility (SEA 05U1) of the Submarine/Submersible Design and Systems Eng...