Fresh vacancies in ORLANDO in public sphere. Where can medical records technician get a job with decent pay in 2023?
Please, look at more than 9 job openings and medical records technician: salary statistics in ORLANDO?
Medical Records Technicians are professionals responsible for the management of medical records in healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and doctor's offices. They work to ensure that all medical records are accurate, up-to-date, and organized in a manner that allows for easy access and retrieval by healthcare professionals. This involves compiling, coding, and maintaining patient records, ensuring confidentiality and security of medical information, and assisting in the analysis and interpretation of medical data.
Medical Records Technicians are also responsible for the retrieval and release of patient medical records in response to requests from healthcare providers, insurance companies, and patients themselves. They play a vital role in the healthcare industry, facilitating the smooth flow of patient information between healthcare providers and ensuring that medical records are managed in compliance with federal and state regulations. As healthcare continues to evolve, the demand for knowledgeable and skilled Medical Records Technicians is on the rise, making this a promising career path for individuals interested in the healthcare industry.
MEDICAL RECORDS TECHNICIAN, according to statistics, earns in Orlando, from $36461 to $66036
This position is in the Health Information Management (HIM) section at the Section of Health Administration Service at the Orlando VA Healthcare System. The Orlando VA Healthcare System is a general ...
This position is located in the Health Information Management (HIMS) section at the Orlando VA Healthcare System. The Medical records Technician (CDIS) is responsible for health record review for amb...
This position is located in the Health Management (HIM) section at the Orlando VA Healthcare System, MRTs (Coder) are skilled in classifying medical data from patient health records in the hospital se...
This position is located in the Health Management (HIM) section at the Orlando VA Healthcare System, MRTs (Coder) are skilled in classifying medical data from patient health records in the hospital s...
This position is located in the Health Information Management (HIM) section service of the Health Administration Service at the Orlando VA Healthcare System. MRTs HIT perform incomplete health record...
This position is located in the Health Information Management (HIMS) section at the Orlando VA Medical Center. The Medical Records Technician (CDIS) is responsible for abstracting medical record data ...
This position is located in the Health Information Management (HIMS) section at the Orlando VA Medical Center. The Medical records Technician (CDIS) is responsible for health record review for ambiguo...
This position is located in the Health Information Management (HIM) section of the Business Office at the Orlando VA Healthcare System, Orlando, FL.. MRTs (inpatient/Outpatient Coder) are skilled in c...
This position is located in the Health Information Management (HIMS) section at the Orlando VA Medical Center. The Medical records Technician (CDIS) is responsible for health record review for ambiguo...