Looking for a job as MEDICAL SUPPLY AIDE AND TECHNICIAN in Ann Arbor? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much MEDICAL SUPPLY AIDE AND TECHNICIAN actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Medical supply aide and technician in the year 2024 earns per year from 35 742 USD to 72 288 USD
A person working as Medical supply aide and technician typically earns around 69 040 USD in Ann Arbor in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 27% higher than the average salary in the United States
The Lead Medical Supply Technician (Sterile Processing) interprets and follows the policies and procedures of the Sterile Processing Service (SPS) to perform his/her daily functions within the establi...
The LTC Charles S. Kettles VA Medical Center is recruiting to fill multiple Medical Supply Technician (Sterile Processing) positions. The Medical Supply Technician - (Sterile Processing) will function...
The Medical Supply Technician (Sterile Processing) for Veterans Health Administration (VHA) works in the Sterile Processing Service, LTC Charles S. Kettles VA Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan. In t...
The LTC Charles S. Kettles VA Medical Center is recruiting to fill the Medical Supply Technician (Sterile Processing) - Trainer position. The incumbent is responsible for training on all areas of the ...