Looking for a job as MEDICAL OFFICER in Johnson City? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much MEDICAL OFFICER actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Medical officer in the year 2024 earns per year from 115 587 USD to 400 000 USD
A person working as Medical officer typically earns around 336 000 USD in Johnson City in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 519% higher than the average salary in the United States
This position is eligible for the Education Debt Reduction Program (EDRP), a student loan payment reimbursement program. You must meet specific eligibility requirements per VHA policy and submit your ...
The Anesthesiologist is responsible for the perioperative management of surgical patients, airway management in the facility, and acute pain management at the James H. Quillen VA Medical Center in Mou...
The position involves providing services in an inpatient and outpatient setting. The candidate will have educational responsibilities for Internal Medicine residents and medical students. Candidate mu...
This position is the Chief of Radiology Service (CORS) (MD or DO) with both clinical and administrative roles. As a leader of Radiology Service (CORS), the CORS is responsible for the overall operatio...
The Mountain Home VAMC in Mountain Home, Tennessee, is seeking a well-qualified, full-time Physician with innovative leadership skills and good interpersonal skills for Chief of Surgical Services. Thi...
The Chief of Quality Management (COQM) at James H. Quillen VA Medical Center (JHQVAMC) is a licensed clinical practitioner that serves as the principal associate to the Medical Center Director (MCD) i...
Dermatology is concerned with diseases and conditions of the skin. Dermatologists are trained to evaluate and manage patients with benign and malignant disorders of the skin, mouth, external genitali...
The James H. Quillen VA Medical Center is seeking a Hematology/Oncology Physician to provide comprehensive, efficient, compassionate, high quality healthcare to all veterans, functioning as a member o...
The Hospitalist is expected to provide comprehensive patient care to inpatient services and consultative inpatient care at the James H. Quillen VAMC to include the Community Living Center and the Emer...
An infectious disease (ID) specialist and internal medicine physician is trained in clinical and laboratory skills to be an expert in the diagnoses and treatment of infections disease. Through extensi...
The Section Chief of MH Acute Services plans, implements, directs, and provides clinical and administrative oversight to MH Acute Services/Inpatient activities, including requirements for staff, budge...
The James H. Quillen VA Medical Center is seeking a full-time board certified/board eligible non-invasive/clinical cardiologist. The candidate should be trained in all aspects of non-invasive/clinical...
The James H. Quillen VA Medical Center in Johnson City, TN is seeking a full-time board certified or board eligible physician for the Ear, Nose, and Throat Section, Surgical Service. This position is...
The part-time Neurosurgeon will be responsible for examining, diagnosing, treating (both operatively and non-operatively, as appropriate), and managing patients with common neurosurgical problems acco...
The full-time staff physician will lead the section of peri-operative medicine and perform Internal Medicine-based peri-operative evaluation and treatment of patients undergoing operative procedures o...
The substance use disorders (SUD) psychiatrist performs assessment and treatment of co-occurring substance use disorders and psychiatric disorders within a multi-disciplinary team. The psychiatrist wo...
This position is eligible for the Education Debt Reduction Program (EDRP), a student loan payment reimbursement program. You must meet specific individual eligibility requirements in accordance with V...
The James H. Quillen VA Medical Center is seeking a Radiation Oncology Physician to provide comprehensive, efficient, compassionate, high quality healthcare to all Veterans, functioning as a member of...
Infectious Disease is a subspecialty of Internal Medicine. Infectious Disease specialists study diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms and usually serve as consultants in such cases as patients...
This position will participate in and/or manage all aspects of a general Sleep Medicine program, to include clinical, administrative, academic, and research components if warranted. This position is l...
This position is located at the James H. Quillen VA Medical Center in Johnson City, Tennessee. The position is located in the surgical service and reports directly to the Chief of Urology....
This position is eligible for the Education Debt Reduction Program (EDRP), a student loan payment reimbursement program. You must meet specific individual eligibility requirements in accordance with V...