Looking for a job as MEDICAL OFFICER in Lexington? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much MEDICAL OFFICER actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Medical officer in the year 2024 earns per year from 140 000 USD to 400 000 USD
A person working as Medical officer typically earns around 375 000 USD in Lexington in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 591% higher than the average salary in the United States
Education and length of practice are considered through a formal pay-setting process to determine the final compensable salary (Base Pay + Market Pay)...
Education and length of practice are considered through a formal pay-setting process to determine the final compensable salary (Base Pay + Market Pay)...
Education and length of practice are considered through a formal pay-setting process to determine the final compensable salary (Base Pay + Market Pay)...
The Chief of the Anesthesiology Service provides administrative, clinical, and programmatic leadership for the Anesthesiology Service to ensure achievement of the clinical, research, and education goa...
The Assistant Chief of Primary Care- directs and supervises clinical activities of the Primary Care physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners at the Lexington Clinics and collaborates w...
This position is the Assistant Chief of Radiology Service (ACORS) (MD or DO) with both clinical and administrative roles. As a leader of Radiology Service (ACORS), the ACORS shares responsibility for ...
The Chief Primary Care is responsible and accountable for all clinical, administrative, and performance improvement activities in the PACT and multi-specialty outpatient clinics at the Lexington VA He...
The Lexington, Kentucky VAMC is recruiting for an Associate Chief of Staff. The ACOS for Care in the Community (CITC) is directly accountable to the Deputy/Chief of Staff for day-to-day operation of t...
The VAMC in Lexington, Kentucky is recruiting for a Deputy Chief of Staff. The Deputy Chief of Staff is a full member of the senior leadership team which functions as the decision-making body for the ...
The incumbent serves as a Diagnostic Radiologist and provides Radiologic care services at the Department of Veterans Affairs Lexington, KY Healthcare System. Incumbent provides comprehensive clinical ...
The VA Lexington Health Care System in Lexington, Kentucky is recruiting for an Gastroenterologist to serve as a full-time medical service physician. The position is accountable to the Chief of Medici...
The GeriPACT Physician practices in the outpatient setting in the Lexington VA Health Care System. The physician is academically and clinically prepared to perform a broad spectrum of patient care ser...
The Hospice & Palliative care (HPC) physician works under the ACOS for Geriatrics & Extended Care, serving as Attending physician for the Palliative Care Consultation Team (PCCT)....
The VAMC in Lexington, Kentucky is recruiting for an Interventional Radiologist to serve as a full-time medical service physician. The position is accountable to the Chief of Radiology, for assuring t...