Looking for a job as MEDICAL INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN in Cleveland? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much MEDICAL INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Medical instrument technician in the year 2024 earns per year from 46 077 USD to 112 775 USD
A person working as Medical instrument technician typically earns around 73 714 USD in Cleveland in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 36% higher than the average salary in the United States
The VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System is recruiting for a Medical Instrument Technician. The Medical Instrument Technician (Outpatient Hemodialysis) position is located in the Renal Hemodialysis Sec...
The VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System is recruiting for a Medical Instrument Technician. The Medical Instrument Technician (Outpatient Hemodialysis) position is located in the Renal Hemodialysis Sec...
Gastroenterology (GI) Medical Instrument Technician (MIT) is a Non-supervisory position. The MIT is a member of the Gastroenterology Procedure Team (GPT) and provides assistance to the physician, nurs...
Gastroenterology (GI) Medical Instrument Technician (MIT) is a Non-supervisory position. The MIT is a member of the Gastroenterology Procedure Team (GPT) and provides assistance to the physician, nurs...
The Medical Instrument Technician (MIT) Electrocardiograph Technician (EKG) is a member of the health care team in the Cardiology Section. The incumbent performs cardiac monitoring (event monitoring, ...
The VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System is recruiting for a Medical Instrument Technician (Polysomnography). Medical Instrument Technician (Polysomnography) will function in Medicine Service....
The VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System is recruiting for an Intermittent Medical Instrument Technician (Polysomnography). The Intermittent Medical Instrument Technician (Polysomnography) will functio...
The Medical Instrument Technician (MIT) is a member of the health care team in the Progressive Care Unit. The incumbent performs cardiac monitoring (event monitoring, stress test, electrocardiography)...
The VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System is recruiting for a Medical Instrument Technician (Vascular). The Medical Instrument Technician (Vascular) will function in Surgical Service....
The VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System is recruiting for an Medical Instrument Technician (Diagnostic Ultrasound Technologist). The Medical Instrument Technician (Diagnostic Ultrasound Technologist) ...