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What is the salary for MEDICAL INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN in Omaha?

Looking for a job as MEDICAL INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN in Omaha? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much MEDICAL INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Medical instrument technician in the year 2024 earns per year from 33 988 USD to 85 969 USD

A person working as Medical instrument technician typically earns around 85 555 USD in Omaha in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 58% higher than the average salary in the United States

Medical Instrument Technician (Anesthesia) Sep 19 2023
$33 988 - 67 820 per year

The purpose of this position is to assist the service chief in the coordination of the administrative and clinical duties. The MIT (Anesthesia) practices within the PACU, GI lab, Cath lab, IR suite, a...

Medical Instrument Technician (Diagnostic Ultrasound) Oct 19 2023
$34 584 - 85 969 per year

Employees in this position are categorized as Diagnostic Ultrasound Technicians who operate diagnostic ultrasonic scanning equipment to produce cross sectional and two-dimensional pictures of internal...

Medical Instrument Technician (Echocardiography) Jun 10 2024
$70 156 - 85 555 per year

The Lead Echo Sonographer performs assigned duties of significant scope, complexity and variety. Operates diagnostic equipment to graphically record the position and motion of the heart walls or the i...

Medical Instrument Technician (EKG) Dec 07 2024
$35 712 - 64 345 per year

The Medical Instrument Technician (EKG) position is located at the Omaha VA Medical Center within the VA Nebraska-Western Iowa VA Health Care System. The position is assigned to the Telemetry Departme...

Medical Instrument Technician (Vascular) Sep 05 2023
$63 449 - 82 487 per year

This position identifies and records anomalies indicative of disease, injury, or other medically significant condition from ultrasound imaging and simultaneous recordings of the Doppler. They incorpor...