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What is the salary for HEALTH SYSTEM SPECIALIST in Bronx?

Looking for a job as HEALTH SYSTEM SPECIALIST in Bronx? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much HEALTH SYSTEM SPECIALIST actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Health system specialist in the year 2024 earns per year from 80 769 USD to 149 651 USD

A person working as Health system specialist typically earns around 132 807 USD in Bronx in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 145% higher than the average salary in the United States

Health System Specialist Dec 04 2023
$80 769 - 125 851 per year

This position is in the Health Professions Education (HPE) Office (HPEO) and is supervised by the HPE Manager with oversight provided by the Associate Chief of Staff/Education, Designated Education Of...

Health System Specialist (Employee Engagement & Workforce Development) Jul 27 2023
$96 808 - 125 851 per year

The primary purpose of this position is to implement All Employee Survey, Employee Engagement and Workforce Development program at the Health Care System level. The position is responsible for develop...

Health System Specialist (Employee Engagement & Workforce Development) Jan 10 2024
$102 163 - 132 807 per year

The primary purpose of this position is to implement All Employee Survey, Employee Engagement and Workforce Development program at the Health Care System level. The position is responsible for develop...

Health System Specialist (System Redesign Specialist) Jan 09 2024
$96 808 - 125 851 per year

The primary purpose of this position is to implement a Performance Improvement program at the Health Care System level. The position is responsible for delivering Performance Improvement techniques to...

Supervisory Health System Specialist (Credentialing and Privileging Manager) Dec 06 2024
$102 163 - 132 807 per year

The incumbent serves as a Supervisory Health Systems Specialist - Credentialing and Privileging Manager. They oversee all functions related to healthcare providers' professional credentials supporting...

Supervisory Health System Specialist (Group Practice Manager) Sep 22 2023
$115 118 - 149 651 per year

The primary purpose of the Ambulatory Care Operations Director Group Practice Manager (ACOD-GPM) is to provide oversight and administrative management of all ambulatory care services in the VAMC and r...

Supervisory Health System Specialist - Whole Health Program Manager Dec 21 2023
$96 808 - 125 851 per year

The incumbent serves as a Supervisory Health System Specialist - Whole Health Program Manager. The Whole Health Program Manager is responsible for the overall planning, development, and coordination, ...