Looking for a job as GENERAL NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES in Ames? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much GENERAL NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, General natural resources management and biological sciences in the year 2024 earns per year from 57 426 USD to 188 229 USD
A person working as General natural resources management and biological sciences typically earns around 128 735 USD in Ames in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 137% higher than the average salary in the United States
This position is in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), National Animal Disease Center (NADC), Director's Office located in Ames, Iowa. In this po...
This position is located in the Food Safety and Enteric Pathogens Research Unit, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), in Ames, IA. The incumbent is responsible for working in collaboration...
This position resides in the Pathology Section within the Diagnostic Bacteriology and Pathology Laboratory and remotely supports the histology lab at National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) with...
As a Quality Assurance Manager you will provide a variety of direct support for the Quality Coordinator and the other Quality Assurance Managers as well as support various aspects of the entire Qualit...
The National Animal Disease Center (NADC), USDA, ARS, located in Ames, Iowa, is a research institution with state-of-the-art biocontainment facilities for the study of endemic animal diseases of lives...
As a Microbiologist or Biological Scientist in the Center for Veterinary Biologics (CVB), Policy, Evaluation, and Licensing (PEL) you will be responsible for evaluating biologics that are licensed or ...
This position will be responsible for testing and evaluating assigned biologics for the prevention, treatment, or diagnosis of diseases of domestic animals and wildlife. The Center for Veterinary Biol...
As a Quality Assurance Manager you will provide a variety of direct support for the Quality Coordinator and the other Quality Assurance Managers as well as support various aspects of the entire Qualit...
As a Quality Assurance Manager, you will provide a variety of direct support for the Quality Coordinator and the other Quality Assurance Managers as well as support various aspects of the entire Quali...
As a Supervisory Veterinary Medical Officer or Biological Scientist you will serve as the Coordinator for research and development of new or improved diagnostic assays for the NVSL and has full respon...
As the Quality Assurance Coordinator, you will be responsible for managing the quality assurance program and ensuring that the laboratories' activities meet the ISO 17025, 43 and 9001 quality assuranc...
This position is in the Pathology Section within the Diagnostic Bacteriology and Pathology Laboratory, and supervises a group of biological science technicians within the Pathology Section. This posit...
This position is the lead of the USDA, ARS, Midwest Area, Plant Introduction Research Unit in Ames, IA. In this position, you will be leading activities of personnel dedicated to curation and support...
The incumbent is a Supervisory Research Scientist serving as either a Biologist (Computational Bioinformatics), Microbiologist, or Veterinary Medical Officer and as the Research Leader for the Food Sa...