Fresh vacancies in TAMPA in public sphere. Where can general arts and information get a job with decent pay in 2023?
Please, look at more than 1 job openings and general arts and information: salary statistics in TAMPA?
General Arts and Information is a versatile profession that encompasses a wide range of industries and job positions. Individuals in this field typically possess a broad knowledge base and a great deal of creativity, allowing them to work in areas ranging from media and communications to marketing and advertising. They may also work for non-profit organizations, educational institutions, or government agencies, depending on their specific interests and career goals.
The role of a General Arts and Information professional varies depending on the industry and position. Some may work in graphic design, creating visual components for websites, advertisements, or other forms of media. Others may work in public relations, crafting messaging and managing social media accounts. Some may work in research or analytics, collecting and analyzing data to inform decision-making or develop strategies. Regardless of the specific area, those in this profession are often creative problem-solvers with a passion for communication and information.
GENERAL ARTS AND INFORMATION, according to statistics, earns in Tampa, from $61111 to $61111
About the Position: Social Media work performed for the United States Army Recruiting Command. This position is a TEMPORARY Not to Exceed 30 Sep 2025, position and may be extended in one year increm...