Fresh vacancies in WASHINGTON in public sphere. Where can foreign affairs get a job with decent pay in 2023?
Please, look at more than 660 job openings and foreign affairs: salary statistics in WASHINGTON?
FOREIGN AFFAIRS, according to statistics, earns in Washington, from $101401 to $167603
The position is located in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Office of Global Programming (DRL/GP). This serves as public notice for the use of an Agency-specific Direct Hire Aut...
This position is located in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Office of Brazilian and Southern Cone Affairs (WHA/BSC). The incumbent is a Foreign Affairs Officer serving as the Country Desk Of...
This position is located in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Office of Haitian Affairs (WHA/HA). WHA/HA oversees the U.S. government’s engagement with Haiti, including diplomatic r...
This position is in the Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability; Office of Strategic Stability and Deterrence Affairs (ADS/SSD). For more info about this office, visit: ADS...
These positions are located in the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) and may be filled in multiple offices. CSO enhances the State Department’s ability to anticipate, prevent...
This position is in the Bureau of Global Public Affairs, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Analytics (GPA/RA). The incumbent serves as a Foreign Affairs Officer responsible for...
This position is located in the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Office of Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism (ISN/WMDT). The office develops policy and plans, directs initiat...
This serves as public notice for the use of OPM's Direct Hire Authority. Applicants who meet the qualification requirements will be forwarded to the selecting official for consideration. We may select...
This position is located in the Visa Restrictions/Sanctions Unit of the Office of Security and Human Rights, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL/SHR), in the U.S. Department of State (DO...
This position is located in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Office of Global Programs and Initiatives (PM/GPI). This position serves in PM/GPI’s Security Forces Capacity Building ...
The position is located on the Global Affairs Unit, Office of China Coordination, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (EAP/CHINA), Department of State (DOS). The Unit is responsible for shaping a...
This is a TEMPORARY, INTERMITTENT position located in the Bureau of African Affairs. The Senior Advisor provides expert policy analysis and advice to the AF Assistant Secretary on conf...
This announcement is for TEMPORARY, INTERMITTENT positions NTE 1 year/1040 hours located in various Bureaus. The incumbent serves as a Foreign Affairs Officer to provide emergency political or ec...
This Temporary, Intermittent position NTE 1 year/1040 hours is located in the Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. The incumbent aids in policy implementation, policy analys...
This Temporary, Intermittent position NTE 1 year/1040 hours is located in the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM). The Foreign Affairs Officer (FAO) works with overseas staff to m...
This position is in the Office of Security Negotiations and Agreements (SNA) in the Bureau of Political Military Affairs (PM). SNA develops and manages policy and leads negotiations for international ...
This serves as public notice for the use of an Agency-specific Direct Hire Authority. Applicants will be forwarded to the selecting official for consideration. We may select from this announcement or ...
This position is located in the Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability; Front Office (ADS/FO). The Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability (ADS) is responsible within the St...
Located in the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, under the Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Finance and Development, in the Office of Investment Affairs (EB/IFD/OIA). This serves as...
This position is located in the Bureau of Population, Refugees (PRM), and Migration, Office of Multilateral and External Coordination (MEC). MEC develops and implements policies and programs in suppor...