Looking for a job as FIRE PROTECTION AND PREVENTION in Tomah? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much FIRE PROTECTION AND PREVENTION actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Fire protection and prevention in the year 2024 earns per year from 42 022 USD to 77 955 USD
A person working as Fire protection and prevention typically earns around 60 703 USD in Tomah in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 12% higher than the average salary in the United States
This position is located in the Facilities Service Line of the Tomah VA Medical Center, Tomah, WI. The incumbent in this position functions as a firefighter, driver-operator....
This position is organizationally aligned to the Facilities Service Line - Tomah VA Medical Center Fire Department, at the Tomah VAMC (676) a Level 3 Complexity VHA Facility) located in Tomah WI. Incu...
This position is located in the Facilities Service Line of the Tomah VA Medical Center, Tomah, WI....
This position is located in the Facilities Service Line of the Tomah VA Medical Center, Tomah, WI. The incumbent in this position functions as a firefighter, driver-operator, and inspector. He/she pro...
This position is located within in the Facilities Service Line at the Tomah VA Medical Center Fire Department in Tomah, WI. The purpose of the position is to control and extinguish fires, rescue perso...
This position is located in the Facilities Service Line of the Tomah VA Medical Center, Tomah, WI....
This position is located in the Facilities Service Line of the Tomah VA Medical Center, Tomah, WI. The incumbent in this position functions as a firefighter, driver-operator, and inspector. He/she pro...
This position is located within in the Facilities Service Line at the Tomah VA Medical Center Fire Department in Tomah, WI. The purpose of the position is to control and extinguish fires, rescue perso...
This position is located within in the Facilities Service Line at the Tomah VA Medical Center Fire Department in Tomah, WI. The purpose of the position is to control and extinguish fires, rescue perso...
This position is located in the Facilities Service Line of the Tomah VA Medical Center, Tomah, WI....
The incumbent works under the general supervision of the Supervisory Firefighter (Captain) and supervision by the Assistant Fire Chief. The primary purpose of this position is to function as a General...
This position works under the general supervision of the Supervisory Firefighter (Captain) and supervision by the Assistant Fire Chief. The primary purpose of this position is to function as a General...
This position is aligned in the Facilities Service Line - Tomah VA Medical Center Fire Department, at the Tomah VAMC (676) a Level 3 Complexity VHA Facility) located in Tomah WI. Incumbent works under...