Looking for a job as EDUCATION AND TRAINING TECHNICIAN in Edwards AFB? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much EDUCATION AND TRAINING TECHNICIAN actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Education and training technician in the year 2024 earns per year from 69 729 USD to 109 673 USD
A person working as Education and training technician typically earns around 29 USD in Edwards AFB in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is -100% less than the average salary in the United States
About the position: This position will be assigned to the Before and After School Program (School Age Center) on Edwards AFB. Serves as a team leader for program staff with responsibility for the op...
This is a continuous vacancy announcement. Vacancies may not presently exist but may become available at any point during the opening period of this vacancy announcement. Applications will not be revi...
This is a continuous vacancy announcement. Vacancies may not presently exist but may become available at any point during the opening period of this vacancy announcement. Applications will not be revi...
This is a continuous vacancy announcement. Vacancies may not presently exist but may become available at any point during the opening period of this vacancy announcement. Applications will not be revi...
This is a continuous vacancy announcement. Vacancies may not presently exist but may become available at any point during the opening period of this vacancy announcement. Applications will not be revi...
About the position: This position is located at the Youth Programs located on Edwards AFB. Creates an environment which welcomes participant interest and promotes positive interactions. Pay will be ...
About the position: This position will be assigned to the Before and After School Program (School Age Center) on Edwards AFB. Serves as a team leader for program staff with responsibility for the op...
This is a continuous vacancy announcement. Vacancies may not presently exist but may become available at any point during the opening period of this vacancy announcement. Applications will not be revi...
Information regarding opportunities, how to submit your resume and your contact information is located on the Air Force Civilian Careers LinkedIn site. In this position you will be responsible to the...