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What is the salary for DIETITIAN AND NUTRITIONIST in Danville?

Looking for a job as DIETITIAN AND NUTRITIONIST in Danville? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much DIETITIAN AND NUTRITIONIST actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Dietitian and nutritionist in the year 2024 earns per year from 49 025 USD to 151 308 USD

A person working as Dietitian and nutritionist typically earns around 128 043 USD in Danville in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 136% higher than the average salary in the United States

Dietitian (Clinical) - Part-Time Nov 27 2024
$49 025 - 94 317 per year

This position is located within Nutrition & Food Services at the Illiana Health Care System, Danville, IL. The clinical dietitian is the medical nutrition expert and is responsible for planning, deve...

Dietitian (Clinical) Part-Time Dec 20 2024
$49 025 - 94 317 per year

This position is located within Nutrition & Food Services at the Illiana Health Care System, Danville, IL. The clinical dietitian is the medical nutrition expert and is responsible for planning, devel...

Dietitian (Informatics) Nov 27 2024
$49 025 - 94 317 per year

The Dietitian (Informatics) position is located within the Nutrition & Food Service at the Illiana Health Care System, Danville, Illinois. This position is the subject matter expert responsible for t...

Dietitian - Advanced Level Practice Mar 08 2024
$86 962 - 113 047 per year

This position serves as an Advanced Level Practice Dietitian at the VA Illiana Health Care System, Danville, IL. They are subject matter experts in advanced clinical nutrition who conduct comprehensi...

Supervisory Dietitian (Chief, Nutrition and Food Services) Aug 29 2023
$116 393 - 151 308 per year

Supervisory Dietitians in this assignment serve as Chief of NFS for a complex department and have administrative and technical supervision over GS-13 level staff from both clinical nutrition and food ...

Supervisory Dietitian (Food Operations) Sep 05 2023
$98 496 - 128 043 per year

Supervisory Dietitian (Food Operations) are experts in food focused nutrition and provide supervision of a complex Veteran-Centric food operation which consists of four distinct sections (Informatics,...

Supervisory Dietitian - Clinical Nutrition Dec 19 2023
$98 496 - 128 043 per year

Supervisory Dietitian (Clinical Nutrition) are experts in clinical nutrition and oversees a complex Clinical Nutrition Section which involves providing administrative and technical supervision of GS-1...