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What is the salary for CONTRACTING in Asheville?

Looking for a job as CONTRACTING in Asheville? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much CONTRACTING actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Contracting in the year 2024 earns per year from 69 107 USD to 165 768 USD

A person working as Contracting typically earns around 157 633 USD in Asheville in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 191% higher than the average salary in the United States

Contract Specialist Dec 04 2023
$98 496 - 133 395 per year

This position serves as a Contract Specialist for the the US Department of Veterans Affairs with responsibility for performing professional work involving the procurement of supplies and services usin...

Contract Specialist (Training Officer) Sep 05 2024
$86 962 - 117 963 per year

The purpose of this position is to serve as a Contract Specialist for the US Department of Veterans Affairs with the responsibility for performing professional work involving procurement of supplies a...

Contract Specialist Direct Hire Authority (DHA) Oct 12 2023
$69 107 - 71 995 per year

This position involves a multi-grade career ladder. The major duties listed below represent the full performance level of GS-12. At the GS-11 grade the Contract Specialist performs assignments of a mo...

Supervisory Contract Specialist Jun 10 2024
$122 198 - 165 768 per year

The purpose of this position is to serve as a Supervisory Contract Specialist for the US Department of Veterans Affairs with the responsibility for performing professional work involving procurement o...

Supervisory Contract Specialist (Branch Chief) Aug 05 2024
$122 198 - 165 768 per year

The purpose of this position is to serve as a Supervisory Contract Specialist for the US Department of Veterans Affairs with the responsibility for performing professional work involving procurement o...

Supervisory Contract Specialist (Branch Chief) Direct Hire Authority (DHA) Nov 03 2023
$116 393 - 157 633 per year

The purpose of this position is to serve as a Supervisory Contract Specialist for the US Department of Veterans Affairs with the responsibility for performing professional work involving procurement o...