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Job gov vacancies in Calumet Park. Where to find employment in public sector?

Where can you find a good-paying state job in 2024 in Calumet Park? Here you can find over 0 job vacancies in Calumet Park.

The job market in Calumet Park, Illinois, is relatively small compared to other cities in the state. The city has a population of approximately 7,700 people and is primarily composed of residential neighborhoods along with some industrial areas. Most of the available jobs in Calumet Park are entry-level positions in manufacturing, retail, and hospitality. The median household income in Calumet Park is approximately $38,000 per year, which is slightly below the national average.

Despite the small size of the job market, there are some opportunities for career growth in Calumet Park. The city is home to a few larger companies that operate in manufacturing and distribution, which may offer more advanced positions for job seekers with experience and qualifications. Additionally, Calumet Park is located in close proximity to the city of Chicago, which can offer additional job opportunities for residents who are willing to commute for work.
