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Job gov vacancies in Ilion. Where to find employment in public sector?

Where can you find a good-paying state job in 2024 in Ilion? Here you can find over 0 job vacancies in Ilion.

The job market in Ilion, New York is predominately based in manufacturing and healthcare industries. Mohawk Valley Health System, Remington Arms, and the Central Valley School District are the largest employers in the area. Remington Arms is the oldest gun manufacturer in the United States and has been a fixture in Ilion since 1816. However, the company has gone through several rounds of layoffs and restructuring in recent years, affecting the job market in the area.

On the positive side, the healthcare industry is growing rapidly in Ilion. Mohawk Valley Health System is continuously expanding, and the presence of several nursing homes and assisted living facilities create jobs for healthcare professionals. In addition, the area has a strong retail industry, with several local businesses and national chains providing job opportunities. While the job market in Ilion is somewhat limited, its proximity to larger cities like Syracuse and Albany provides additional opportunities for job seekers willing to commute.
