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Job gov vacancies in Pembine. Where to find employment in public sector?

Where can you find a good-paying state job in 2024 in Pembine? Here you can find over 0 job vacancies in Pembine.

The job market in Pembine, Wisconsin is dominated by industries related to manufacturing and healthcare. The city is home to several manufacturing companies that employ workers in fields such as metal fabrication, plastics, and construction materials. The healthcare industry is also significant, with various hospitals and clinics providing healthcare services to the local community.

Despite the dominance of manufacturing and healthcare industries, the job market in Pembine is small and relatively limited. Employment opportunities are primarily available for skilled workers in these two industries, although occasional part-time and seasonal positions may be available in retail and tourism. Overall, job seekers in Pembine may need to consider opportunities in nearby larger cities such as Green Bay or Milwaukee for more diverse career options.
