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Job gov vacancies in Steger. Where to find employment in public sector?

Where can you find a good-paying state job in 2024 in Steger? Here you can find over 0 job vacancies in Steger.

The job market in Steger, a small town in Illinois, is relatively stable. There are opportunities available in various sectors, including healthcare, retail, construction, and education. However, the availability of jobs is limited compared to larger cities like Chicago or nearby suburbs.

The unemployment rate in Steger is slightly higher than the national average, at around 4.4%. Many of the available jobs in the town require a high school diploma or equivalent certification. The average hourly wage in Steger is around $14, which is lower than the state average. However, the cost of living in Steger is relatively affordable, which can make up for the lower wages. Overall, the job market in Steger offers opportunities in a variety of fields, but with a smaller pool of job openings and lower wages than larger nearby cities.
