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Job gov vacancies in Stony Point. Where to find employment in public sector?

Where can you find a good-paying state job in 2024 in Stony Point? Here you can find over 0 job vacancies in Stony Point.

The job market in Stony Point is relatively small, with a population of around 15,000 residents. However, there are still several job opportunities available in various industries, including healthcare, education, and retail. Stony Point is home to several healthcare facilities, such as the Helen Hayes Hospital and the Montefiore Nyack Hospital, which provide ample job opportunities for healthcare professionals, including nurses and medical technicians. The North Rockland Central School District also employs a significant number of teachers, administrators, and support staff.

Retail is another significant industry in Stony Point, with several shopping centers and stores located throughout the city. The Stor-It-All and Sam's Club are two of the most popular retail employers in Stony Point, providing jobs for cashiers, sales associates, and managers. Additionally, there are several small businesses and restaurants in the city that offer employment opportunities for those seeking work in the service and hospitality industries.
