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Job gov vacancies in Neillsville. Where to find employment in public sector?

Where can you find a good-paying state job in 2024 in Neillsville? Here you can find over 0 job vacancies in Neillsville.

The job market in Neillsville, Wisconsin is relatively stable with a mix of opportunities in various industries. The town has a population of just under 2,500 people with an unemployment rate of 3.7% as of 2021.

Neillsville's major industries include healthcare, education, and manufacturing. Major employers include Memorial Medical Center, Neillsville School District, and Foremost Farms USA. There is also a growing tourism industry in the area, particularly during the summer months, which creates jobs in hospitality and recreation. While the job market may not be as diverse as larger cities, Neillsville offers a quiet small-town lifestyle with a range of employment opportunities for those looking to settle down in the area.
