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Job gov vacancies in Steubenville. Where to find employment in public sector?

Where can you find a good-paying state job in 2024 in Steubenville? Here you can find over 0 job vacancies in Steubenville.

The job market in Steubenville, Ohio is primarily focused on manufacturing and healthcare industries. Major employers in the area include Trinity Health System, AK Steel, and the Jefferson County Board of Developmental Disabilities. There are also several smaller businesses and retail establishments in the area, but the city's economy relies heavily on these large employers.

The unemployment rate in Steubenville is higher than the national average, at around 6.5%. However, the cost of living in the area is relatively low, which may make it an attractive option for job seekers looking to relocate. Additionally, the city is situated within close proximity to larger cities like Pittsburgh and Columbus, which could provide additional job opportunities for those willing to commute.
