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Job gov vacancies in Keedysville. Where to find employment in public sector?

Where can you find a good-paying state job in 2024 in Keedysville? Here you can find over 0 job vacancies in Keedysville.

The job market in Keedysville, MD, is relatively strong with a low unemployment rate of 3.6%. The majority of the job opportunities in Keedysville are in healthcare, education, and retail. There are several healthcare facilities, including Keedysville Medical Group and Family Healthcare of Keedysville, which offer numerous job opportunities in the healthcare industry, such as nursing, medical assistants, and lab technicians. Keedysville also has several schools, including Keedysville Elementary School, which employ teachers, administrative staff, and support staff. Additionally, Keedysville has a number of retail stores, such as Dollar General and Keedysville's Corner Market, which offer employment opportunities in various positions, including cashiers and stock clerks.

Overall, Keedysville's job market is robust, with several job opportunities available in various industries. The median household income in Keedysville is $97,439, which is significantly higher than the national median household income of $62,843. With low unemployment rates and several employment opportunities, Keedysville provides a great environment for job seekers looking for stable and fulfilling careers.
