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Job gov vacancies in Wausaukee. Where to find employment in public sector?

Where can you find a good-paying state job in 2024 in Wausaukee? Here you can find over 0 job vacancies in Wausaukee.

Wausaukee is a small town in Wisconsin with a population of just over 500 people. Despite its size, there are job opportunities available in the area. The largest industry in Wausaukee is manufacturing, with companies such as Winsert and Mercury Marine having operations in the town. There are also opportunities in healthcare, education, and retail. However, due to its small size, the job market in Wausaukee is limited and may require individuals to commute to nearby towns for work.

The unemployment rate in Wausaukee is lower than the national average, currently at 3.7%. The average salary in the town is $41,000 per year, which is less than the United States' average salary of $56,000 per year. However, the cost of living in Wausaukee is lower than the national average, meaning that the average salary is sufficient for many residents to live comfortably. Overall, while the job market in Wausaukee may not be as extensive as in larger cities, there are opportunities available for those who are willing to search for them.
